Thursday, February 19, 2015

for all the things happened

i am thankful
for my meals today
for my healthy mum
for my own health
for my complete and functioned limbs
for my working brain
for the roof that is still up
for this rodentless house
for not having to worry about some difficult stuff
for being given a more or less content life
for being alive and kicking

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

that fragile R

Maybe its just me who is still gripping the past, refusing to move on. Maybe i fail to see that the thread is already weak, that the smile is no longer vibrant, and that the words have lost their meaning. Maybe i have to let go.

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old love letter

just found this letter i wrote in 2012.. this is stupid, but makes me smile..

Dear you.

You don't deserve my love but i love you anyway. This love for you is like a parasite, eating my heart away. I'm too far in a pointless imagination of you i can't be saved. It can ruin my life but i would never be caved. You stuck in my head. But that's all i could get.

You're a real fantasy. You're the impossible. I know i have to stop but its not that simple. Your name's already craved deep in my heart. I think i must be invincible because i'm ready to be hurt. I cherish your smiles eventhough it's never directed at me. The smiles that practically lit the whole world and shame every rhyme.

You don't deserve my love but i love you anyway. There's thousand men worth my heart more but only to you that my heart goes.

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