Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MIKA - Good Guys (review)

I love Mika, but there's no music video of Mika that i especially like until this one was out. Both of the song and the video are beautiful. They gave new insights of life in different perspectives. but let's focus on video only shall we? because if i talk about the song, it'll be a long exhausting journey of fangirling babbles.

So, what makes his video special? on the video we can only see Mika and the dancers in a huge warehouse. Mika is moved by the dancers like he is a doll *coughtoyboycough*. The video in my interpretation is about how our life are unconsciously being dictated from when we open our eyes in the morning until we close them in the night. sometimes we cannot live the life that we want to because the society forbid it. they make us to hide our trueself. They rule what we are supposed to be and how we lead our life.

My favorite part is when Mika tries to run from the dancer. when he runs, i can see his desire to escape from the binds of society that is represented by the dancers. yes, in the end he is caught, but what matter is his will to be free. to be what he is. Thus lead us to his lyric in the song "Only hoping one day I could be so bold", because by making this song and music video, he tells us that that one day has come. And i wish that one day i could be so bold like him.

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