Wednesday, April 29, 2015


to be truthful, i only watch this series because of mickey/ian part. but theres a reason why this series is still going on strong in US. all of the characters are harsh, real, but at the same time, human. they can be cruel and sans moral that never fail to make me cringe everytime. but there're also many awesome moments when they genuinely care about 'family' or when they struggle to be a better person. my favorite character is -goes without saying- mickey milkovich. ppl call him a white trash tug.. well, he is.. he never does a single honest work. he likes to destroy things as well as human. hell, he even sells his ex-whore wife to the highest bid. but when he loves, he 'loves'. he can be a jerk at first. he tried to deny it. doing things that was actually hurting his lover and himself. but after he becomes more honest with himself, there's no turning back. he'll do everything for his loved one, because family for him is everything that matter.

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