Sunday, April 12, 2015

it's not PMS-ing, mind you :p

i have two people who keep me going. one, because i have to, my mum, and the other because i choose to, my bestfriend. The rest, can go fuck themselves. i sound like a constipated old woman. but i'm just tired of being let down. tired of feeling sorry of myself. tired of trying to prove myself only to be knocked down a couple of notch.
being angry doesn't solve anything. but God how its hard. sometimes i wish to erase this ability to feel. i don't want to feel anything but happy. but don't we all?
happiness is simple really. but i never fail to complicate it every single day. i always forget to enjoy this simple happiness instead of lamenting of the hard life.
i should forget about them.. those who become the source of disappointment in my life. those who invoke my ugly feeling. they can go fuck themselves. thank you very much

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