Friday, March 2, 2012

Introduction Post.. err..

The first time is always awkward yeah? haha..
My name is Gac. This blog is not meant for public's eyes actually. i'm not here to impress anyone. But i don't mind if someone or two happen to read these posts. I'm not too worried about people though, this blog is just one of millions after all.
This is where i talk about art, passion, music and general stuff.

Speaking of first time. i remember my awkward first sketch.


And this is the edited version

He's Uruha, from a famous j-rock band The GazettE. It was really fun to draw his pouty lips, but a pain when i had to do his hair. I unintentionally used a very different kind of pencil, so the clash between the hair and the vest was horribly blatant. same goes with the necklace too. The eye was easy because of the make up and i'm proud with his hand, but then, i'm always proud whenever i managed to draw a decent limbs.

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