Time. It moves so fast, doesn't it.
Especially when you're in a limbo. I barely remember the days before today. Not that today changes everything.
So I read a lot. That's an healthy way to cope at least. Not that that's something to be brag about since I only read fanfiction. People tend to underrate fanfiction. Anyway, we know that I am overindulgent. With how much I read, I'm afraid to lose interest over it. This is one of the very few joyful things I can do to tune out the world. But I can't stop, or limit it. I need it too much.
I lost weight too btw. My biggest achievement of this miserable year. With a lot of idle time at hand I found myself not doing anything good or healthy. Not even any exercise. So, I might have just not eaten and lost my weight in the process. I bought this diet pill and it helped me to lessen my crazy appetite. It's very expensive though, so I have to use it wisely. I only eat once everyday with some occasional cheat days. A small meal if I can help it. The pill made me so thirsty, so i drank a lot too. In result, I lost a total of 7 KG. I don't see myself change much. But I feel a bit lighter inside.
I got a very good new job, it makes me busy and don't think too much. Alas, it's temporary.